“Unlike other sites which accept payoffs and bribes to remove complaints, Ripoff Report has never and will never do so. Other complaint sites will DELETE your complaint for money. Ripoff Report won’t. When other sites run and hide, ED Magedson will stand and fight spending millions in legal fees – FOR YOU! Protecting the consumer. When the going gets rough, other blogs and sites will usually protect their bottom line rather than the Constitutional rights and freedoms this country was founded upon. – ED Magedson”

Buddy, ED Magedson, Shalimar
Ed Magedson – Founder
Did You Know??…..
Here are some little-known facts you might find interesting:
- Did you know – for over 25 years, Ed Magedson/ Ripoff Report’s parent company Xcentric Ventures, llc has spent over $10 million in legal fees protecting and defending consumers’ First Amendment rights? It’s true! .. In more recent years it should be known that many of those who have sued paid back to Xcentric over 3 million dollars from those who sue, paid by the Plaintiff and or their attorney or both.
- Did you know – other complaint sites (mostly from Russia) will DELETE your report they stole from Ripoff Report for money? Ripoff Report won’t.
- Did you know – other complaint sites got started by STEALING content from Ripoff Report? It’s absolutely true!
- Did you know – other sites, most are based outside the US (mostly Russia & some from India) because they are trying to hide from the US court system? Some make it look like they are USA based. Not Ripoff Report!
- Did you know – Those complaint sites stealing Ripoff Report content now or have in the past, if they have the any of the following words listed in their name below, likely they are from Russia or India and they’ve been or have in the past caught stealing Ripoff Report’s content. They work to get ranked high on search engines thanks to Google turning a blind eye to the situation, and then the rip-off businesses reported originally on Ripoff Report pay lots of money to remove the stolen content and new content written by unsuspecting consumers. Those offending websites to look out for have the following words in their .com name.
Those words are: complaint, complaints, scam, US, USA, or the word pissed. FROM RUSSIA, WITH REPUTATION FRAUD read how Ripoff Report sued and won against these sites that steal your content for a profit, many shut down but more keep popping up.
“The fact that society may find speech offensive is not a sufficient reason for suppressing it. Indeed, if it is the speaker’s opinion that gives offense, that consequence is a reason for according it constitutional protection.”
FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, 438 U.S. 726, 745-46 (1982)
Other sites CLAIM to help consumers. The truth is they really only care about one thing — themselves.
Ripoff Report is different. We’re not like other sites.
When other sites run and hide, ED will stand and fight – FOR YOU! Protecting the consumer.
Other complaint sites say they support free speech, but when the going gets rough, they will usually protect their bottom line rather than the Constitutional rights and freedoms this country was founded upon. Unlike other sites, even when the speech involved is harsh or negative and even if our position sometimes generates negative press for us, we think that the First Amendment requires us to put our principles before our pocketbook and fight against censorship. Ripoff Report is the original consumer reporting website started in 1997. Others have tried to copy us but they have no commitment to free speech and the First Amendment, and none of them help business to change their reputation like Ripoff Report does. Other copycat websites accept money to take down postings, cave under pressure of lawsuits or threats to remove postings, and never spend a dime protecting the First Amendment. Not Ripoff Report. We have spent more than two decades defending your Constitutional rights. No other consumer complaint website even comes close to our track record of success.
Ed Magedson started the Ripoff Report in 1997 with one goal in mind – to empower consumers by helping them to speak out, share information, and fight back against bad business practices. In the old days, companies knew that it was difficult for unhappy customers to reach a large audience. Because it was hard for victims to warn others, this made it much easier for scammers and crooks to find new victims. Ed always said, “its no longer just buyer beware, its more so Seller Beware”
The Internet changed all this. Since 1998, the Ripoff Report has helped to educate and empower millions of consumers by creating a huge database of more than 2 million+ consumer complaints which grows with each passing day. As part of that mission, we have adopted a strict policy – we don’t remove reports from our site, PERIOD. Even when companies threaten to sue, we stand behind our users and fight for their First Amendment rights by refusing to remove their reports or to give up their information. Because of this policy, we have spent millions and millions of dollars in legal fees fighting to protect freedom of speech, and we have a long track record of legal victories to prove it. Over the years those that got involved in a lawsuit with us have paid to date over 4 million dollars.
Recently, our success has resulted in many new “copycat” sites, several of which pretend to share the same pro-consumer goals. Unfortunately, most of these sites are not what they appear to be. Some of these sites are known to remove consumer complaints in exchange for payments of $5,000 or more. Some of these sites have stolen content from Ripoff Report as part of their scheme. One site—based overseas in Latvia—not only stole reports from us, they even copied our entire Terms of Service, replacing our name with theirs (except for one paragraph where our name was left on their site).
Don’t help these scammers by using their sites. The only consumer complaint website you can trust is Ripoff Report — we don’t remove reports for money (never have, never will), and we don’t steal content from other sources.

ED exposes Arizona farmers that mistreat their immigrant workers
Jose says he has been sick for a while now. He has no money to go to the doctor. He says he is not sure what he makes, ..but he thinks it may be about $50.00 a week. He gets paid by the job and works from sunrise to sundown. But Jose has nothing bad to say about his employer. Like the Black slaves in the South who were loyal to their master. While this story is old, nothing has changed and will never change anytime soon.
ED Magedson early activism, helping hundreds of residents to put a stop to landlord abuse.
New York State over the years refers first to Ripoff Report to help consumers.