How is educating consumers?
- By leaving all reports available at all times, consumers can trace a company’s track record over time and get a fuller picture of how that company handled complaints. Good or bad, the reports, rebuttals and comments provide invaluable information about a company’s customer service policies. Some companies with a lengthy bad record, however, want their dirty laundry hidden, and rather than fix their policies, they become Ripoff Report opponents [link to Opponents page]
- Consumers, journalists, attorneys and investigators from all types of agencies research existing problems and anticipate potential problems in businesses. Ed Magedson’s The Ripoff Report provides immediate, FREE access to all varieties of potential fraud, experiences by all kinds of people, written in their own words and always unedited (certain personal information, such as social security numbers, is removed to protect individual identities).
- If there’s one thing scam artists, con artists and ripoff artists despise, it’s having their business practices brought out in the open for the entire world to see. But making reports available forever allows consumers to make more educated decisions. Giving in to the pressure to remove even one report would compromise the validity of all reports. Ed simply won’t do that.
How is educating companies?
- Companies that are seriously interested in improving their business practices and are willing to provide 100% customer satisfaction join the Ripoff Report’s Corporate Advocacy Program (CAP). When they take this important step, Ed Magedson puts them on a path to improved customer service by helping them make amends with unhappy customers. He investigates complaints, contacts consumers filing reports against that company, and provides helpful options in resolving outstanding issues.
- In a sense, the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program becomes an extension of a company’s Customer Service by monitoring incoming reports and notifying members of potential issues in advance of them becoming public information. This way a company can resolve issues early and work toward preventing further issues.
One of the many reasons why Ed started Ripoff Report.
- Ripoff Revenge is Ed Magedson’s precursor to The Ripoff Report. It arose out of his personal frustration from getting harassed by businesses and the on-again-off-again support of local government while he was running his Flower Children business (selling flowers on street corners) throughout the ‘70’s and in the ‘80’s dealing with the corrupt small town yahoos in Tupper Lake New York (see the first articles written about Tupper Lake. This is one of the few times Ed used Ripoff Report and created Ripoff Reports.
- “I’d taken a suit along with all my laundry into a local dry-cleaner one morning because I needed everything cleaned up for an appointment the next day. When I came back that afternoon to pick it up, I was told by the owner, “Me no have suit or laundry.” I told him he did have it because I dropped it off that morning and had my receipt to pick it up. He said, “No. Wrong store. This from different store. Me no have suit.” This went on for a few minutes and I eventually left, frustrated that there was nothing I could do. It was my word against his, yet we both knew he had the suit.” or, he gave it away by mistake.
- “What I did was come back with a clap-board on my front back that said I was being ripped off by that dry-cleaner. I stopped everyone who passed me. Eventually, after about 30 minutes, the owner came out. He handed me my suit and said, “Please go.” That’s when I realized that rip off businesses hate it when other a local news station producer was picking up some laundry, she read my flyer and told the cleaners they were coming back with cameras to do a story. People pulled in the parking lot, walked over to me first, no one dropped off their laundry. That’s when I knew what I was born to do. I really felt like everything I’d learned up to that point – all the frustrations, all the emotional roller-coasters with businesses who wanted to put my flower selling business “out of businesses”, could be fought against and won – by the consumer. They just needed a stronger voice.”
- Most people give up fighting for their rights because they just don’t know what to do. Ripoff Revenge gives a customer clear directions on how to fight back when they feel they’ve been ripped off.
Why this flyer? Because businesses pick up the Day-Labor workers at places like Home Depot and other popular pick-up areas.
The unscrupulous business will work the day-labor workers all week long and then they don’t pay them, threaten them with deportation. Day Labor workers are also taken advantage of by landlords that get away without fixing the homes they rent. Unless someone bitches to the city, nothing will ever get fixed. ED goes after the businesses that don’t pay and the unscrupulous landlords. ED is responsible for getting dozens of businesses owners arrested and prosecuted for theft of services, hundreds of workers got paid and ED got landlords to fix roof leaks, electrical and many other dangerous repairs and some were fined by the city. See the flyer that is passed out to help day labor workers.

ED exposes Arizona farmers that mistreat their immigrant workers
Jose says he has been sick for a while now. He has no money to go to the doctor. He says he is not sure what he makes, ..but he thinks it may be about $50.00 a week. He gets paid by the job and works from sunrise to sundown. But Jose has nothing bad to say about his employer. Like the Black slaves in the South who were loyal to their master. While this story is old, nothing has changed and will never change anytime soon.
ED Magedson early activism, helping hundreds of residents to put a stop to landlord abuse.
New York State over the years refers first to Ripoff Report to help consumers.